My OH kindly offered to help make me some raised beds from wood. Our landlord kindly brought home a pile of pallets from work for us. I don't think my OH realised how difficult the pallets would be to dismantle and when he offered he didn't realise how many I wanted but hey hoo he carried on and we had enough wood to make the one bed. Although he made the vital mistake of trusting my womans intuition on how to make it so the first attempt looked like I made had made it!!
Women's intuition is good but don't trust it when it comes to DIY! I also had a another good theory of digging around it and banging it hard with a mallet to straighten it out and as I had this theory when I was at the allotment on my own I tried it out which resulted in me cutting myself on a few rogue screw ends. I think I should stick to the planting! and that is what I did.

On the
6th of March I planted a Loch Ness thornless blackberry bush as it has promised to listen and not hurt me. I also planted five Galanate raspberry canes again because they promised not to hurt me and if I look after them they will crop twice a year!!
I also planted three different varieties of strawberries to give me an extended crop, I planted one Florence, Alice and Honeoye, I hope these ladies behave although I am a bit worried about them with the weather today, fingers crossed!

And last but not least I planted a bay leaf tree as I go through loads of these when I am making a vegan lasagne yum!
It's a good start to a prosperous year.