Sunday, 24 August 2008

Finally a Sunny Day

Yes we have sun :) I've spent most of the day up the allotment today. I managed to sort out 3 of the beds and weed the surrounding areas so if we have sunshine again tomorrow I will be back on top of things before I have to leave it again for another week!!

I planted out what was left of my seedlings after the slug damage. I have broccoli, spinach, pak choi, chard, winter lettuces and cabbages. now in the old potato bed and I also planted some onions, spring onions and turnips in the root bed so I am all prepared for Autumn.

I managed to come home with more food again today. I dug up my garlic and now have it drying out on the window sill in my kitchen and pulled some of my rhubarb, just enough for a few mini tarts. The rhubarb was new this year so I shouldn't really cut it but it was so big it was blocking the light and the amount that's there it's not going to miss a few sticks.

Saturday, 23 August 2008

Babies Everywhere

Just went up the allotment after being away so it was very exciting after not seeing the place for over a week. The good news is the weeds haven't gone too crazy and I still have vegetables left so the slug damage isn't too bad. I also got to harvest lots of nice vegetables for my tea including courgettes, peas, runner beans, bay leaves and radishes.It's a very exciting time up there at the moment as I planted a lot of stuff late so there's lots of baby vegetables around the place and its so exciting watching them grow, I get very maternal.

See if you can guess what the following babies will turn into??

Monday, 11 August 2008

Catch up on the lottie

I haven't blogged for a while so here's a quick catch up of what's been going on...

I moved all my strawberries to a new area as next season my OH is going to build a cage for them to stop the damn squirrels!! He has had an idea of adapting a second hand fire guard, just have to find one now.

I decided although I loved my shopper bike it just wasn't practical living in North Wales so I asked the chairman of the allotments to look out for a new bike for me and he had two bikes given to him and I got one of them and guess what it's purple!! My shopper had a happy ending it went to a local 60 year old who was interested in getting back into cycling.

I went away for a week the beginning of August and obviously came back to a jungle but we had a community day up the allotment yesterday so it's now all prim and proper and the whole allotments are looking great. We have the judges from Wales in Bloom coming around today which is very exciting.

Before I went away for the week OH and I discovered the smell of rotting perennials in our new compost system. We had to empty two bins full of perennial weeds covered in water that had been sitting in the sun for over two weeks it was not a pleasant experience and I have now adapted the new compost system to no water on the perennial weed bins!!!

Anyway here's what my plot is looking like at the moment....