Well haven't been able to get on here for a while, been to busy digging and planting. Here's a run down of what's been happening.

My seedlings grew really quickly buy come became to leggy as I made the mistake of feeding them. I afraid I was being a typical first time mum and wrapping them in too much cotton wool. Some made it but others were placed in the compost heap to be born again next year!!
The first bed was completed so I warmed up the soil and got my broad beans in but then the damn

wind and hail stones decided to behead the one poor baby. But to my amazment within a couple of weeks a new shoot appeared and it has now caught up with its brother and sisters!
My landlord managed to get me 6 bags of compost from where he works. It was a real struggle to get it up to allotments, luckily he was with me as I got half way up the hill and my legs were going like mad but the wheel barrow wasn't moving an inch!! Note to self: Get Fit!

The compost came in handy when my partner finished the second raised bed and I planted my potatoes. The compost is lovely and black and mixes well with the clay soil.
The third bed is now also completed although it was a real challenge as my partner discovered that I could not dig and flatten the earth. Anyway it got made and as it was a bit deeper than the other beds it will be christened with my root vegetables. One more bed to go, although this might take some time as my partner has an exam coming up.

The chairman has made a huge pond right next to my plot, frogs gallore! Although the downside was during the build my a couple of my raspberry canes and asparagus plants got trampled on, fingers crossed they will recover.